All posts by Peter Brodfuehrer

About Peter Brodfuehrer

Education Position: Eleanor A. Bliss Professor of Biology Adviser Minor in Neuroscience Education: - B.A. in Biology, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, May 1980. - Ph.D. in Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, January 1986.

First Round of Posts

Prompts for Prologue and Part One: Chapters 1-3

(answer one of the two prompts)

1. How has our reliance on processed foods changed our food culture, and thus, American culture? Give a few examples from the book or an outside source to highlight your ideas!

2. At the secret meeting of the food CEOs there are two sides to the obesity crisis represented by Michael Mudd and Stephen Sanger. What are the two sides? Which side do you agree with? Why?