Monthly Archives: April 2016

Chapters 12-14 (Salt) and Epilogue

Hi Boston Posse,
Here are questions pertaining to the last sections of the book. You’ve made it! We hope you all have enjoyed this experience and can’t wait to see you on campus!

1. In this week’s reading, the chapters discussed consumers’ addiction to salt. What are some suggestions or findings made that surprised or interested you and why?

2. Thinking about your current lifestyle and health, are there any changes you would make after reading Michael Moss’ Salt, Sugar, Fat? If so, what specific changes and why? If not, why?

Chapters 7-11: Fat

  1. In these chapters food overproduction and waste is discussed in the form of milk. What allows for this overproduction to occur and continue? Use the book and your own life experiences to discuss the problems of food overproduction.
  2. Should extremely unhealthy foods like lunchables be advertised and sold to children? Is it only the parent’s responsibility to make sure their child has a healthy diet?

Chapters 4-6: Sugar

Please answer 1 prompt and respond to 2 comments. Also, don’t forgot to have fun!

  1. What are two examples of how sugar suddenly became a matter of vivid distress to consumers in the 1970s? How did your examples affect the cereal companies?
  2.  What do you think are the intentions of those in charge of sales in the food industry currently? If you were in charge of sales at Kellogg, would you focus more on consumer health or consumer sales and what changes might you implement?